PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE donate accounts for people.Email me the account with the password  with your WordPress username.

My email is

I have another one but I want them to be in one email to keep them together.For the subject, write FANTAGE ACCOUNT DONATION.

I will post your account.

I also wanna say that if I copy accounts from other people, it’s because other people will use them and because my accounts are not that good. 😦

Rules for Fantage Account Giveaways

This picture isn’t mine.

Ok so Here are the Rules for account giveaways………

  1.          No banning!!!!
  2. No selling items unless there are two of them.
  3. Act nicely to other Fantagians even of it’s not your account.Of they are rude or mean, ban them, but don’t be mean back because you will get reported instead.
  4. Don’t go to Any find the whun or whun tryouts.Of someone used the account too, they will end up being confused. :O.
  5. Don’t try to use the ecoins, stars, or gold.
  6. If the account has membership, DON’T CANCEL IT.

7.Try not to edit the ID FonE.

Thank you all for reading and following the rules!!!! 😉download (2)

Free Fantage Accounts!!!!

IM gonna give away another Fantage account!!!This one always gets banned though.No hate comments please.She’s very good.This is not my account but please don’t ban.



Imma give  away more accounts.This is at at least a week after I posted so yeah.They were banned so I can’t see their stuff or do a picture 😦









This one is a boy account that is a newbie:



Last time I checked, they all worked……….image


This cute thang has nothinh to do with Fantage but it’s SHO ADOWABLE!!!!

Anyway, these accounts and pics ain’t mine sooooo not to steal copyright or anything but yea.ALSO ON GOOGLE IMAGES IT ONLY SAID THAT U CAN USE IT WITHOUT PERMISSION. 😛